Мене дуже часто запитували в якій місцевості я проживаю, тому у своєму першому пості я розповім вам про це.
Ми з чоловіком проживаємо у м. Стемфорд, штаті Коннектикут, який знаходиться 30 хв від Манхеттена та являється частиною Greater New York City Area. Це надзвичайно колоритне та різноманітне місто, яке водночас є бізнес-центром Штату завдяки багатьом корпораціям, які тут розташовані.
Наприклад, поверх де працюють трейдери в одному із інвестиційних банків виглядає так.
What really can draw your attention is dressing style in Ukraine. In America I can see women wearing sport pants, or even pajamas, no matter where they go, even to a coffee shop or their classes.
American women dress only for comfort, but in Ukraine dressing culture is completely different. Compared to US mostly Ukrainian women wear heels and do makeup on a regular basis.
Flip-flops. I’ve realized that Americans can wear flip-flops everywhere, even with combination with business suit after work. They just don’t care and comfort is in the foremost place for them. In Ukraine it’s almost impossible to see adequate Ukrainian women in sport flip-flops and leggings in shopping center or another public place.
When I’ve been studying in National Aviation University in Kyiv, so we had a dress code and it was prohibited to wear shorts or flip-flops. There even was a time when we wore a uniform. In most American universities or colleges wearing sport clothes is norm and I was very surprised to see students wearing short shorts
For example, if you plan to visit a theatre in Ukraine, be prepare to wear some business casual style. Sport clothes is inappropriate in such kind of places.
And one more interesting thing!!! Walking NYC streets in winter, many times I’ve met women wearing dresses or skirts without tights or just a jacket with scarf without any coat. How do they feel walking and having red legs as a reaction to cold temperatures? In Ukraine during winter season people usually wear warm clothes: hat, scarf and gloves. There is a common expression in Ukraine “Heat breaks no bones”. 🙂
Here are the tips which can help to make your meeting with Ukrainian friends more comfortable.
By the way, about the “friend” term. Americans call friends anyone whom they happen to know, more or less. Many times I have witnessed people introducing a new acquaintance as their friend. For example, I was surprised to hear how my fellow student called friend a guy whom he had seen just one time before. Of course, he or she can be a great person. However, in Ukraine there is a very deep distinction between friends and acquaintances. A friend is a deeply trusted person, someone whom we feel safe to entrust our life with. A real friend is welcome at any time of day or night in our home and definitely would help you in any difficult period of your life.
Are you going to visit Ukrainian family? First thing you should know is that Ukrainians are known for their hospitality, they love to cook up massive amounts of homemade food and nobody ever leaves Ukrainian home hungry. Moreover, it is considered impolite not to offer some food and a cup of coffee or tea to guest even if it is only a short visit.
Ukrainians exchange gifts with family and close friends on birthdays, Christmas or other holidays. Gifts need not be expensive, It is the act of giving the gift that is important, since it symbolizes friendship. If you are invited to a Ukrainian’s home for a meal it is polite to bring something. It can be cake, flowers, or a bottle of wine.
Do you want to bring flowers? It’s a great idea, just remember one thing. Unlike US and other countries, flowers as a gift should only be given in odd numbers.
Be prepared to accept all food and drink offered when visiting Ukrainian friends. Turning down food may be considered rude. Also, this can mean that you do not respect the homemaker or you do not like the food that they had prepared for you.
And about being affable. Compared with the US citizens, Ukrainians rarely smile in public and they may be perceived as unfriendly but don’t worry! They are extremely heartwarming and hospitable people once you get to know them closer 🙂